Sunday, February 28, 2010

A Mini for Mom

So it took me a little bit longer than I thought to find the pictures I had taken of this mini. This was my very first mini album "from scratch." I had done a few kits I'd picked up from Michaels that were in a tin or a small little book that was all pre-made pretty much. I look back at those (that I thought I rocked at) and think... wow.. this looks like a little kid made them! :)

This mini started as a way for me to try some techniques I had seen online. The holidays were quickly approaching at the time and I had wanted to do something special for my mom. So... it is what it is :) It's hard when our parents get older to get them something they don't already have! So anyhow... knowing now, what I didn't know then.. I hope she was able to add photo's ok to the open pages because I glued those flowers down like there was no tomorrow!

Anyhow... as always, all comments are welcome! I have a few more older projects yet to post and also the latest mini I just finished from a kit.

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